
Recir is an Esco as it delivers in detail all of these services:

  • Energy diagnosis: including adjustment factors.
  • Verification of Correspondence between installations and equipment that will be involved in the energy efficiency improvement intervention with the current legislation and standard of reference, identifying any adjustment or maintenance operation to be done regarding the mandatory requirements.
  • Elaboration of feasibility study: Preliminary to the intervention design, there is a technical-economic analysis to choose the most advantageous solutions in terms of energy efficiency as well as economic convenience.
  • Design of energy efficiency interventions, with technical specifications.
  • Implementation of energy efficiency improvement interventions.
  • Management and direction of energy efficiency improvement interventions, guaranteeing optimal yield, also in economic efficiency terms.
  • Maintenance of energy efficiency improvement interventions, ensuring the optimum performance in the operating system.
  • Monitoring the energy system demand and consumption, performance and results by methods and statistics previously arranged with the customer.
  • Periodic reports, reflecting consumption and energy saving for the duration of the contract. To obtain a homogeneous comparison between energy use and saving, some indirect aspects as changes in natural resources consumption must be included.
  • Technical support for the acquisition and/or management of loans, incentives, notices related to energy efficiency improvement.
  • Training activity and user information