Recir, due to a mix of proven standards and accurate customisation based on the client requirements, designs and carries out technologically advanced solutions in the area “Situation Management Centre” for physical security in structures and offices including:

  • Perimeter Protection: Installation of active protections, anti-climb, infrared and micro-phonic wires.
  • Access Control:  for all vehicle and pedestrian access in the areas at risk (with high security systems like double Badge and Pin code control; Two Man Rule) and biometric control.
  • CCTV (Close Circuit Television Installations) 24 hour security, by direct monitoring and integrated with anti-intrusion and access control systems.
  • Situation Management Systems: provided for Armed guards room and at the Crisis Room with the possibility to be transferred to the upper level: 24 h control center.
  • Video Management Solutions: Managing detected images and apply rules to point out security conditions; or use them for forensics and investigation purposes.